That's pretty straightforward with another overload:
auto& s = join(to(y), separator(", "), "A", "b", 42);
where to(y) is something like
struct to_existing_type<String> {
String& get() { return s_; }
String s_;
template<class String>
auto to(String& s)
return to_existing_type<S>(s);
With a bit of template unwrapping, we could imagine something like this:
join(to(x), 2, 3, to(y), "foo", "bar", create(), "baz", 42);
which would return a tuple:
On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Richard Hodges
wrote: Sorry to chime in so late in the discussion.
What about a syntax similar to this?
int main() { auto s = join("Hello ", ", World.", " The hex for ", 58, " is ", std::hex, 58); std::cout << s << std::endl;
s = join(separator(" : "), "a", "b", std::hex, 200 , std::quoted("banana")); std::cout << s << std::endl;
Which would produce the following output:
Hello , World. The hex for 58 is 3a a : b : c8 : “banana"
The syntax is fine but it's missing an appending variant, like append(s, "A", "B", 42); This variant is important as it (also) allows you to reuse existing storage.
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