On Thu, 8 Oct 2020 at 12:51, Benedek Thaler via Boost
Thanks to all of you who participated in the formal review of PFR, henceforth known as Boost.PFR, and Antony Polukhin for submitting this magical library.
Benedek, Thank you for your act as the review manager.
PFR is ACCEPTed into Boost, with the following results:
ACCEPT: 5 votes CONDITIONAL ACCEPT: 1 vote REJECT: 0 votes
After all these changes have been implemented, Antony would really like to have a mini-review, regardless that the library is already ACCEPTed, further confirming his high standards.
Typically, mini-review is offered after a review concludes with a "conditionally accepted" result. Mini-review is to determine if the conditions have been met, but that is not the case here. I'm not experienced with mini-review, yet, so I'd like to clarify the situation and the steps to follow: 1. PFR is accepted 2. Antony wants to postpone inclusion of PFR in Boost 3. Antony is going to request mini-review 4. Benedek will act as the manager of the mini-review 5. If the reviewers confirm the changes have been implemented, the library will be included in Boost. Otherwise, Antony continues until planned changes are applied, then we run another mini-review Antony, is that what you aim for? Why not just include the PFR in Boost now, then continue applying the changes you have planned, then merge to master in order to release If necessary, I think, you can request a mini-review to ask reviewers if the PFR is ready for release. Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net