AMDG On 03/02/2017 03:47 PM, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
On 3/2/17 12:12 PM, Steven Watanabe via Boost wrote:
The include paths used in the documentation are a mess. I see at least 6 different variations: - <snip>
Hmmm - where - in the documentation? In the examples? or?.
This was just from reading the html documentation.
the code taken from example/ constently uses ../include/
(probably because it was actually tested and
this variation is one that works).
The reference sections under Type Requirements and
Types have the most variations such as:
In boostbook, <code language="c++"> enables C++ syntax highlighting for code snippets. (This is enabled by default for programlisting, but <code> is used for non-C++ content enough that it needs to be specified.)
Hmmm - right now I'm using program listing and it looks good - syntax is colorized. For inline I'm using
without the language. Are you suggesting that I change the inline to
Yes. This is just a minor stylistic detail. The only real difference is that it will change the color of int in inline code.
"However, it would be very surprising if any implementation were to be more complex that O(0);" I think you mean O(1). O(0) means that it takes no time at all. Hmm - to me O(0) is fixed time while O(1) is time proportional to x^1. But I'll rephrase the O() notation which is confusing in this context.
The formal definition of O() is f(x) \in O(g(x)) iff. \exists C, x_0: \forall x > x_0: |f(x)| <= |Cg(x)| If g(x) = 0, then this reduces to \exists x_0 \forall x > x_0: f(x) = 0 i.e. the running time is zero. If g(x) = 1, then we have \exists x_0 \forall x > x_0: |f(x)| <= |C| meaning that the running time is less than some constant, regardless of the value of x. ...which brings us to the real problem with using big-O here: what is x? For sequence algorithms, x is the length of the sequence, but there's nothing like that here.
<snip> What happens for binary operators when the arguments have different promotion policies? Is it an error? Does the implementation randomly pick one? Is there some kind of precedence rule for promotion policies? (Note: the same thing applies to exception policies)
In both cases: at least one policy must be non void if both are non void they must be equal
I'll clarify this.
Err, what is a void policy?
<snip> "EP::underflow_error(const char * message)" Underflow is a floating point error that happens when the value is too close to 0. (INT_MIN - 1) is an overflow error, not an underflow error.
Right. There is no underflow error thrown in the current code.
I found one use (probably accidental) at checked.hpp:410.
Also, safe is defined in safe_integer.hpp which is not #included.
this is included by safe_range.hpp. But I agree that if I use safe<..> I should include safe_integer.hpp even though it's redundent.
safe_range.hpp only includes safe_base.hpp. The only reason I noticed this was that Intellisense highlighted safe as undefined.
<snip> promotion_policies/cpp.html
Unless I'm misunderstanding something, the use of trap_exception will fail to compile at: d *= velocity;
.... I guess this illustrates the impossibility for normal people to actually write demonstrably correct code.
Tell me about it: https://github.com/boostorg/random/blob/develop/include/boost/random/uniform...
Ahhh - finally I see your point. assignment using d as an accumuator loses the range calculated at compile time so subsequent operations can't be guaranteed to not overflow.
Yeah. This makes it a bit inconvenient to use trap_exception with anything other than a strict functional style. In Christ, Steven Watanabe