2014-07-08 12:44 GMT+04:00 Andrey Semashev
On Tuesday 08 July 2014 09:58:11 Oliver Kowalke wrote:
2014-07-08 9:53 GMT+02:00 Antony Polukhin
: Links to the docs are broken for the following libraries in libs/libraries.htm: Algorithm, Align, CompressedPair, Context, Core, Coroutine, EnableIf, Functional/factory, Functional/forward Log, Odeint, Phoenix, Range, Spirit, Swap, TTI, TypeIndex, Units
does this issue require action on the side of the library authors (like generating and check-in of html etc.)?
No autogenerated files in git, please. I believe these test archives simply don't include all docs (not sure if that was intentional).
Looks more like missing redirects or infinite loop of redirects. Andrey is absolutely right about autogenerated files in git. About a half of the archive is consumed by the autogenerated docs. It would be good to have "./b2 docs" in next release and remove all the generated docs from git. A few more broken links in tools/index.html: Boost.Build, Release. -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin