Hi Boost C++ Team ! My name is Lea Deck, I'm French and I study in fourth year in computer science (security in computer science), but I really like mathematics. So I look for projects that mix the two. I would be interesting in adding new mathematics properties to your uBLAS libraries, like Hadamard, Toeplitz and Block matrices, the generation of matrices, Strassen multiplications and possibly new algorithms. You also alluded to the Bernoulli numbers, but I don't see any mention in the list of new features. Is the project still available? If so, should its implementation also contain the Bernoulli polynomials? About the question of optimisation, I have some skills in Cuda (GPU) and OpenMP and so in parallelization of code. So I am able to produce a correct parallelized code. Also, my knowledge of C++ is beginning to spread to the use of C++11 ( including unordered structure map). One last question, what do you mean by "Pretty display" in your list of new features? My CV is available here http://dla.immortal-pc.info/. ( http://dla.immortal-pc.info/) Thank you for taking the time to read my e-mail, and I look forward to receive a response from you. With regards, DECK Léa