Hello. I am interested in developing data structures and some algorithms in Boost library. But one of the requierement for library is: "The library should be generally useful". What does it mean? I think, that i can add to the library some more data structures: suffix tree/array/automata, palindromic tree, modifications of stack/queue for getting min/max with O(1), Aho–Corasick(maybe it's algo already exist in Boost Library), maybe something else (kd-tree, for example). And algortihms: Manacker's algo for calculating palindromes number, Longest increasing subsequence, palindromic check. There are many algorithms, which i can implement to the Boost library. Also Boost.Math versus GNU MP library is very simple. In GNU MP there are many useful features. And i don't know? we need to provide these features to the Boost.Math or not. Ok, Who can explain me, what algorithms of those that i mentioned, is generally useful? What is useful for Boost, and what is useless? Thanks. -- Best regards, Zaitsev Alexander