On 19 October 2016 at 19:42, Chris Glover
Flat containers are especially
useful with small number of (small) elements because they are cache-friendly, and small size optimization makes perfect sense to improve that use case even further.
It is my experience that the flat containers *always* outperform the node based containers on searching. So when the data is stable, I always use a flat container regardless of how many elements are in the container.
One of the problems with that approach is that, because insert is slow, I often have to build up a std::vector of items, sort it and then copy them into the flat container using the ordered_unique_t overload. If this change was done in a way that allowed me to pass ownership of that sorted vector to the flat_* container, that would be an additional optimisation I would find useful.
yeah i agree, although that's a different piece of work, no? i've mentioned this before[1] and i'm pretty sure it's on the roadmap (i've seen it mentioned since). [1] http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2015/09/225568.php