On 05.02.24 02:02, g.peterhoff--- via Boost wrote:
So what's your point?
Another example. I had asked for a TypeTrait is_integer and also supplied code for it (https://github.com/boostorg/type_traits/issues/186). The point is that is_integer only returns integer (no character, no bool). John immediately closed my request "We are not responsible for that".
I wouldn't have accepted this is_integer either, because its definition of "integer" is flawed in two respects: - It excludes integer types that don't have an intX_t alias. For example, int and long are commonly both 32 bits, but only one of them gets the int32_t alias. Or if long is 64 bit, then it commonly shares as size with long long. - Contrary to your description, it includes some character types because int8_t and uint8_t are usually aliases for (signed) char and (unsigned) char. If you had called it has_fixed_size_int_t_alias, it would at least be named correctly - but I would still need to see an argument that it is actually useful. -- Rainer Deyke (rainerd@eldwood.com)