On 7/2/2018 10:53 AM, degski via Boost wrote:
On 2 July 2018 at 18:39, Robert via Boost
wrote: This will be strictly on Windows with both Microsoft 15.6.4 ...
With the current level of flux in VC development, you really should consider upgrading to 15.7.4 (unless the 6 is a typo and should read 7), or better, move to 15.8 Preview 3 (that's the advice STL gave me in another issue).
I would love to, but am intentionally delaying for work reasons. Some of the team have updated to 15.7.4. Because of my using the older Microsoft version, it takes only a few minutes to track down the root cause of a recent issue. This may not be known to news group members here. But, the Windows Intel C++ compiler is heavily dependent on the Microsoft supplied standard library header files (e.g. from 2015: https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-c-compiler/topic/596318). Similarly, in a Mac oriented post, there is a dependency on the gcc header files (e.g. from 2013: https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-c-compiler/topic/366102). I have already submitted an issue with Intel that the Visual Studio 15.7.4 headers cause Intel 18.0, Update 3 to produce thousands of spurious errors on the std::variant. The 15.6.4 std::variant version does not cause the invalid error output from Intel. Plus, only the 19.0 Intel C++ is planned to address the problem(s). --Robert
Have a good day,