Hi, I'm currently the suitably ashamed owner of numerous documentation trac issues for Boost.Range. I would like to address these issues but I'm unclear about what our strategy is for generating documentation since our move to modular Boost. I anticipate that if I continue to commit the generated html as I had done previously that I will be in for a "world of pain" when it comes to merge to master. I've searched and found several pages about document best-practice but the pages contain references to the subversion repository which leads me to believe that this must be out-of-date. I'd like some advice to ensure that my commits are aligned with what is wanted. If there is a temporary workflow I can use that will not end in a merge disaster then I'd like to put small documentation fixes in quickly before major re-factoring of the documentation generation process. I apologise in advance if my search skills have been deficient. Sending a link accompanied with abuse is entirely acceptable! Thanks, Neil Groves