On 02/04/2024 00:27, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote:
Ivan Matek wrote:
As for other comments: as I have said this has been discussed 1000x, I did not expect to change anybody's mind, and now I kind of feel bad for wasting people time since these discussions rarely change anybody's mind, but at least I think one nice thing is that I fully agree with Arno so there is at least some benefit to this discussion :) What we need to do is to systematically transition Boost libraries to standard components. The first and necessary step for this was dropping C++03, and we finally achieved liftoff there; now we need to finish the job. (I've on my TODO list migrating CRC off of boost::array et al in 1.86, for instance.)
This is going to happen, eventually. Sooner, if we get PRs.
This sounds like a good thing, though no small job: in one of my idler moments I wondered who was still using Boost.StaticAssert - well it turns out nearly everyone, including some newer libraries that I'd assumed were at least C++11 anyway. John.