On Thu, 2 Feb 2023 at 23:49, Louis Tatta via Boost
To mitigate these risks we are researching the development of a new set of HTML, CSS, and JS templates for presenting high quality coverage reports in the original style.
Louis, Do you mean capturing codecov.io reports and applying custom styling or capturing gcc/clang coverage reports and applying the styling?
In our continuous efforts to improve documentation quality we have contracted HDoc to explore generating Doxygen compatible XML output so that we might move away from Doxygen in favor of HDoc.
I like the idea very much.
Our vision for documentation includes a significant investment in Asciidoc as the choice of markdown. This means rendering Doxygen/HDoc output in Asciidoc and commissioning a great set of stylesheets for Asciidoc to replace the stock sheets. In the longer term we are investigating Antora
I like it even more. It will motivate me to switch GIL to Asciidoc. Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net