On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 8:38 AM, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote: James E. King, III wrote: I'm planning to change random_generator to use the header-only
random_device based on points made in this discussion: 1. It is more secure.
2. I believe it is the most widely used use case: generating a uuid
relatively infrequently (i.e. not in bulk). Thanks. Therefore it will look something like this: //
// The default random_generator uses operating-system provided entropy,
// is the most secure, and fastest random uuid generator for creating a
// small number of uuids with a single generator because it does not need
// expensive seeding to be effective like a PseudoRandomNumberGenerator
// does.
typedef basic_random_generatordetail::random::random_device
random_generator; I suggest class random_generator {
typedef uuid result_type; random_generator(); uuid operator()();
}; that is, not using basic_random_generator here at all. There is no need to
go through a URNG in this case; random bytes can and should be obtained
directly from the OS API. typedef basic_random_generator<mt19937> random_generator_bulk; If we guarantee that this will always use mt19937, it might be better to
just call it random_generator_mt19937. And I just wrapped up my changes with random_generator_bulk too.
I'm not certain that it is necessary to make random_generator a separate
class like this.
As it is, I have removed most of the additional weight from
basic_random_generator like
the variate and uniform code. I'll turn the crank one more time however to
see if I can
make any further improvements.
- Jim