On Sat, Mar 23, 2024, 12:39 AM Julien Blanc
Le 2024-03-22 02:30, Klemens Morgenstern via Boost a écrit :
A while back I asked about interest in a boost.sqlite library and got enough engagement that I think it's worth proposing.
Hence I am seeking an endorsement and would like to see if someone wants to volunteer as review manager.
Given the example code:
conn.prepare("insert into author (first_name, last_name) values (?1, ?2), (?3, ?4), (?5, ?6), (?7, ?8)") .execute({"vinnie", "falco", "richard", "hodges", "ruben", "perez", "peter", "dimov"});
Can i expect that the following:
conn.prepare("insert into author (first_name, last_name) values (?1, ?2), (?3, ?4), (?5, ?6), (?7, ?8)") .execute({"vinnie", "falco", "richard", "hodges", "ruben", "perez", "peter"}); // oops, missed a value
will fail to compile ?
No, because the library does not parse sqlite queries. That would be a runtime error.
This is the kind of feature i would definitely like from a modern db higher level library.