Gavin Lambert
Well, I'm not a seasoned generic library writer, but in my view as a user of such libraries it is always very useful to be able to navigate from a base class/interface to its derived classes in the documentation, and the same would apply to concepts. (Not just derived/refined concepts, but also if there are classes provided in the library that actually implement these concepts.)
One of the reasons that this is sometimes left out of documentation is that it's usually an open relationship and thus can never be complete -- other libraries or the user's own code could (and often does) add additional types that "should" have been listed, though of course they can't be. However I don't think that's a good reason to not document this relation for the types that are actually provided by the library, though.
I agree that providing a list of the sub-concepts defined by the library is useful to the user. I think I'll do that in one way or the other, perhaps like Vinicius suggested (in a "See also" section) or by providing a "Non-exhaustive list of sub-concepts" thing. In all cases, I must find a way to handle this automatically, or I'll regret this really fast. Regards, Louis