On 2/4/14, Erik Erlandson
I have a question.
I was looking at the current review schedule: http://www.boost.org/community/review_schedule.html
Taking the '10 days per review' as typical, it appears that there is a six-month backlog of reviews. Assuming 10 day review sessions, back to back. That seems like a long backlog, am I missing something?
There doesn't appear to be a list of available volunteer review managers to assign for any particular request. If a potential review manager volunteers themselves and the submitter is agreeable a review date can be set, otherwise I think the consensus is for the submitter to seek a willing volunteer to manage the review. In short, some of the entries in the review schedule have been there longer than six months, and some have come later, gotten a review manager and have been reviewed. Regards Brian -- www.maidsafe.net