On 4/10/24 20:27, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
On 4/10/24 10:08 AM, Boris Kolpackov via Boost wrote:
Rainer Deyke via Boost
writes: One thing I can say in build2's defense is that it works:
works -> can be made to work.
I understand the vision for b2 and have been using it with boost for more than 20 years. It's complex - arguably to complex. It's still under constant development. I only update and rebuild it occasionally. But when I do, there's almost always some sort of issue which requires going to the list or slack/boost. Eventually I get this to work and it's quite satisfactory. Basically, the development process for b2 is not resulting in a reliable product.
Addressing this is a job that is difficult and underrated. I would like to see CMake efforts culminate in a result which can replace b2. But that doesn't seem to be progressing either.
I suspect you may be confusing build2 (https://build2.org/) and b2 (a.k.a. Boost.Build, https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_84_0/tools/build/doc/html/index.html). Those are different build systems, and I believe, Boris was talking of the former. Yes, the names are confusing.