On 11/28/2014 6:31 AM, Steven Ross wrote:
On Thu Nov 27 2014 at 12:01:29 PM Edward Diener
wrote: We already have an "algorithm" directory, so it might make sense to add a "sort" sub-directory and category with "spreadsort" as the first specific sort to be added.
Do you mean a directory structure of:
boost libs algorithm sort spreadsort ... possible other sorts
Does this work with modular boost, submodules, and the Boost Build system ? Hasn't there been lots of discussions of the difficulty of having libraries other than directly under boost/libs ? If this is now workable and been resolved, both via Git submodules and Boost Build, I would agree with your suggestion but is there clear online documentation in the modular boost wiki for setting this up ?
The reason I suggested that 'sort' just change to 'spreadsort' was to avoid the above problems, but maybe those problems are now completely resolved and I just have not kept up with the discussion. Also Steven Ross will want to integrate 'spreadsort' into the modular boost directory structure and since this is his first contribution to Boost we need to make it understandable to him how to do this.
I think we want to keep it a separate library from algorithms for compatibility with modular boost. boost/libs/spreadsort is fine with me. An alternative structure would be to have a boost/libs/sort/spreadsort structure, but in that case I'd be maintaining future sort contributions in addition to spreadsort to keep it one coherent library (which I'm willing to do). Are there any preferences?
Even if it were specified as boost/libs/sort/spreadsort I think that any additional sorts under boost/libs/sort would be viewed as separate libraries, so that the onus would not be on you to maintain them but rather on the individual contributor. But I could be wrong about this as I am still unsure of how "sublibraries" are expected to work within the Boost tree. The fact that you would be willing, with your sort expertise, to do so is great. Also be aware that for any given Boost library there can be more than one maintainer, with different maintainers doing vastly different work for any given library.