On 9 November 2016 at 13:38, Vinnie Falco
A user is complaining that std::to_string is not available in their distribution. Beast doesn't support toolchains that don't have full support for C++11. However, if this is the only thing missing maybe I can just use a Boost equivalent to get him up and running.
A far better solution that boost::lexical_cast is the Boost.Convert 2.0 http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_62_0/libs/convert/doc/html/index.html library. You'll have full control, are able to choose your most optimal conversion method, avoids the clunky use of exceptions for checking if the conversion would be valid (which is obviously expensive) and you can choose (or custom implement) what happens if conversion is not possible (not necessarilly an exception). degski