On 5/23/22 01:26, Andrey Semashev wrote:
On 5/22/22 17:45, Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost wrote:
Thank you. This seems to remove the first obstacle on my way to building Boost.Optional docs. I am now using B2 Version 4.9. OS=LINUX. I get the error from another tool, I suppose:
[2] gcc-12/release/cxxstd-0x-iso/link-static/python-3.10/threadapi-pthread/threading-multi/visibility-hidden ...patience... ...patience... ...found 4351 targets... ...updating 2 targets... xslt-xsltproc ../../../bin.v2/libs/optional/doc/optional.docbook runtime error: file /home/andrzej/Repos/boost/tools/boostbook/xsl/annotation.xsl line 432 element element xsl:element: The effective name '' is not a valid QName.
Is it DocBook, QuickBok, BoostBook? (I enclose the full error report.) I am just running b2 on boost/libs/optional/doc from the official repo. Can someone confirm if they see the same problem? or is it just me?
I think, this is coming from from incorrect (unexpected?) generated BoostBook document that was produced by QuickBook. xsltproc then applies BoostBook stylesheets to convert it to Docbook and fails.
On my local machine Boost.Optional docs from develop build successfully, although with the following warning:
23_ref_optional_io.qbk:45: warning: line breaks generate invalid boostbook (will only note first occurrence).
I think, it's worth fixing. The docs at the place of the warning contain some elaborate sequence that could probably be replaced with a code block.
I'm not sure if the warning is the culprit, though. Have you modified your local copy of the docs? Are you using the latest built QuickBook executable?
Also, make sure you don't have some stale content in bin.v2. Your log doesn't indicate that QuickBook was run, probably because the BoostBook document was already there.