On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 at 09:52, Andrey Semashev via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
On 2020-06-29 08:40, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 10:22 PM Schrom, Brian T via Boost
wrote: My suggestion is....
Yeah mailing lists are nice for the monotonically decreasing set of older engineers used to the anachronism but they are not in any way shape or form attractive for bringing in new, young blood.
Hopefully, the young blood will mature one day and realize the convenience of the "anachronisms".
The mailing list is highly inconvenient, definitely a thing that should be in the past. A forum would be awesome. A few quick reasons off the top of my head to use a forum: 1) Better quoting of previous posts (thereby killing the top posting issue). 2) Quotes from multiple posters can be addressed in a single reply. 3) No lengthy corporate signatures in every post. 4) Easy to see from a high level what all the topics of discussion are. At the moment there's a boost users list, a boost developers list. Think there's one for Spirit. Is there one for UBLAS too? Not sure what others. 5) Clients can subscribe to particular messages and get notifications of changes to those in their email (or when the return to the forum). This is better then scanning through an email inbox. 6) We all have different email clients. Every one of us needs to do configuration to mark the emails appropriately and move them to a particular folder. Boost emails are interspersed with my personal emails. Moving to a web-based forum will give us all our inboxes back. 7) Sometimes messages on the Boost list go to my email spam folders and therefore easily missed. This wouldn't happen anymore. 8) Ability to do polls (e.g. should a proposed library be included in Boost?). 9) Blocks of code will appear nicer assuming they're marked up. 10) Some email clients only allow threads up to x (e.g. 100) messages so you get a different line in your inbox although it's the same thread. 11) Threads can be closed. 12) Messages can be edited/refined after posting. 13) Better navigation through lengthy threads because pagination comes in to play. 14) Stickys available for FAQs. 15) Ability to put images in messages to show compilation time graphs, etc. Pete