It's almost impossible to not top post from the phone, sorry!
I am just a simple user, even if long dated. For what is worth I don't
agree with the goal of 0 dependencies between boost libraries: this for me
goes against the spirit of the language. I agree that dependencies can grow
out of control and the unnecessary proliferation should be avoided (a lot
of work has been done on that)...
But what remains of "boost" if a boost library cannot use other boost
libraries? It becomes a "curated collection"... Which is worth while but
less so than boost librariES as a whole.
Sorry if I have a naive point of view, in my work and experience I don't
face the constraints of super large institutions and so maybe I am lacking
such perspective.
Best and sorry again for the top post,
Il ven 27 nov 2020, 09:58 Antony Polukhin via Boost
== The problem. TL;DR: we are having huge troubles with usability and popularity!