On 10/26/2016 02:27 AM, Michael Marcin wrote:
On 10/26/2016 12:58 AM, Larry Evans wrote:
On 10/25/2016 11:07 PM, Michael Marcin wrote:
On 10/25/2016 8:23 PM, Larry Evans wrote:
At the very least support for the basic SSE 16 byte alignment of subarrays is crucial.
My best idea so far is some magic wrapper type that gets special treatment. Like: using data_t = soa_block< float3, soa_align
, bool >; Something like:
struct alignas(Alignment) soa_align { T data; }; Have you tried that yet. If not, I might try.
The issue is you don't want to overalign all elements of the array, just the first element.
But aligning the first soa_align
is all that's needed because sizeof(soa_align )%A == 0, hence, all subsequent elements would be aligned. At least that's my understanding. Am I missing something? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding. Using your struct above: std::array< soa_align
, 4 > data; std::cout << "align array: " << alignof(decltype(data)) << '\n' << "size element: " << sizeof( data[0] ) << '\n' << "size array: " << sizeof( data ) << '\n' << "offset[1]: " << (char*)&(data[1]) - (char*)data.data() << '\n'; align array: 16 size element: 16 size array: 64 offset[1]: 16
For data to work with SSE instructions this needs to report:
align array: 16 size element: 4 size array: 16 offset[1]: 4
i.e. 4 floats have to be contiguous in memory, and the *first* float has to be aligned to 16 bytes.
Ah! I had no clue :( Thanks for explaining. I should have read more about SSE. [snip]