On 12 Mar 2014 at 0:32, Louis Dionne wrote:
Can you list a proposed set of summer work items please? For example, you might implement a TMP vector type list with documentation and functional tests with Travis CI per-commit testing?
Don't worry about peer review, or mention it except as an aside. GSoC doesn't care about Boost peer review processes.
Since my proposal is very dependent upon the result of the peer review process, I am not sure what I should list. Should I suppose scenario (1) or scenario (2)? Or should I consider both scenarios but be more concise and drop all the explanations of scenario (1)? In other words, should I list work items on the MPL, the MPL11 or both?
Remember Google don't care about Boost peer review. To them it is unimportant. Google only fund the writing of concrete bits of code - in fact, you will have to supply samples of what you wrote to Google at the end of GSoC. It's very simple: If you weren't in GSoC this summer, I'd assume you'd spend your summer working on your TMP library anyway. So simply list what you hope to finish this summer, and propose the first half of that for GSoC as concrete items and the second half as optional "would like if have time" items. Post that here when you're done. Niall --- Boost C++ Libraries Google Summer of Code 2014 admin https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/SoC2014