Le 16/08/15 16:23, Sam Kellett a écrit :
Hey, I have two classes I've developed that have been used in my own projects that I think could have a place in Boost. They are outlined below.
This is a wrapper class for a type to replace a const-type field in a movable class. It has const access to the type so can't modify except for the move constructor and move assignment operator.
This solves the problem that no fields in a movable class can be const which can cloud the intentions of a field.
readonly copies the accessor patterns seen in classes such as optional and the smart pointer collection.
struct foo { foo() : str("hello world") {}
readonlystd::string str; };
foo f; auto g = std::move(f);
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible<foo>{}, "");
std::cout << *g.str << std::endl; g.str->clear() // error: non-const method. How is this relatedto this proposal
This is shamelessly ripped off from Haskell and provides strongly-typed typedefs to C++.
It actually has two template parameters, one is an incomplete type that provides a unique identifier for this typedef. I've opted to use the name of the typedef with an '_t' suffix, the second is the raw type that it contains.
Like readonly the underlying type can be accessed by operator*, operator-> and get() methods.
using age = newtype
; age a{25}; using byte = newtype
;2] byte b{42}; // do something with bytes (*not* any old int). void bar(const byte);
bar(a); // error: wrong type wanted 'byte' got 'age' bar(b); // okay bar(89); // error: wrong type wanted 'byte' got 'int'
assert(*b == 42);
Any thoughts on the design and/or their place in Boost would be much appreciated.
You could take a look at the proposal for Opaque types [1]. I would be grateful if you can tell me what do you think of a prototype I started longtime ago [2]. Please, note that it is not my intention to discourage you with your proposal, as the scope of your class much simpler. Best, Vicente [1] http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3515.pdf [2] https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/viboes/opaque/blob/master/... https://github.com/viboes/opaque