[Glen Fernandes]
I don't know if it was reported on Connect; it was reported to me, along with a few other library bugs in VC14.
You really need to report this stuff to Microsoft. If you don't, you're making your life and our lives harder.
I've filed DevDiv#1202506 "alignof reports inaccurate values" with the repro at the end of this mail.
To be fixed in VC15? :-)
I don't understand what your smiley face is trying to imply. This bug is currently targeted for Dev14 Update 1, although we can't promise anything yet (it may have to be delayed to a future Update, or Dev15). Had it been reported a couple of months ago, we could have probably fixed it for Dev14 RTM, or I could have reworked alignment_of to go back to the library-only tech.
Replacing "struct Meow { };" with "struct Meow;" and on x86 I see:
Thanks, I've added this to the bug report. STL