2016-10-02 2:45 GMT+02:00 Paul Fultz II
Boost.Context only builds for mingw if you have a MSVC assembler.
no - if you build boost.context on Windows you can use MSCV or MinGW. The library selects the assembler tool provided by the compiler, e.g. MSVC -> MASM, MinGW -> GNU as please take a look at boost's regression tests - maybe your informations are up-to-date
However, the author has refused to accept those patches unfortunately.
the patches were incorrect
When I build boost on ubuntu for mingw, I disable Boost.Context, which would mean disabling Boost.Beast as well.
should not be a problem as long as you provide the correct properties at b2 command line (architecture, address-model, binary-format, abi ...) for cross compiling. it is nearly impossible to provide assembler implementations for all combinations of architecture + address-model + abi + binary format + compiler/assembler (especially to have those systems to develop on)? but you are welcome to provide a correct/valid support for your combination/needs
Also, Boost.Asio works fine as it doesn’t use Boost.Coroutine nor Boost.Context.
boost.asio's spawn/yield uses boost.coroutine and works well too