Can anyone tell me if Boost.Test can solve the problem that I describe
I have a function template inspect:
template <typename T>
bool inspect(T const& v);
I want to test if it returns `true` for the following values:
1 (type int)
10 (type int)
1.0 (type double)
"Y" (type const char *)
Basically, different values of different types, but sometimes different
values have the same type. I would like to write one test or "test
template" with the following contents:
Where `v` is name of the currently tested value. (But `v`s will have
different types). I can emulate this behavior using template test cases and
artificial types:
struct int_1 {
static int value() { return 1; }
struct int_10 {
static int value() { return 10; }
struct double_1 {
static double value() { return 1.0; }
struct cstr_Y {
static const char * value() { return "Y"; }
typedef boost::mpl::list