Dear Experts, I am attempting to use stoer_wagner_min_cut for the first time. Using float as the edge weight type seems to be problematic for non-trivial graphs. I think this is possibly because it adds an edge weight to the cut weight and then later subtracts the same value, but doesn't get back to exactly the previous value due to loss of precision. The errors accumulate and eventually the reported cut weight is nonsense. I am now trying with integer weights but I worry that this could suffer overflows. If my edge weights are in the range 0...W, for a graph with E edges the largest cut weight would be < W*E. But does the algorithm ever use larger values internally? Also, I'd be interested if anyone has tried to break a graph into subgraphs by recursively breaking at the min_cut until the min_cut weight is below some threshold. I have a graph with of the order of 10^4 vertices and 10^6 edges and this would be tractable if the min_cuts broke the graph into roughly equal pieces; instead, they tend to remove a small number of vertices each time, leaving almost as much work for the next recursion. So I think I want to find a cut whose weight is below a threshold and that is in some sense locally minimal and that leaves two largish subgraphs. Any ideas? Cheers, Phil.