On 3/2/16 3:51 AM, Janusz Zradomia wrote:
*We want to ask what is status of this issue and can we expect to fix this in near future.* May I presume there's missing "?" above?
We would hope that we can do something like; Archive ar; ar.set_compatibility_boost_version(1, 55); ar << ...
We would also need to backport the patch to older version of boost archive, so they also can write archives readable by (even older) versions.
In the end we expect to run machines with: boost 1.55 (plus patch to set compatibility) boost 1.57 (plus patch to set compatibility) boost 1.58 (plus patch to set compatibility) boost 1.62 (perhaps by default with the set compatibility option)
and each of this computers needs to write archive readable by all other versions (set they would all set compatibility to lowest common version).
Without this functionality we can not use boost archive in this project.
I would not expect boost serialization to ever provide this functionality. It would required a large investment to implement.
would like to help you test/backport this fix and perhaps even try to code it, although we do not yet have any experience in writing code for boost library itself.
Can we expect this functionality to be written in e.g. this year?
No. Robert Ramey