On Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 8:02 AM Phil Endecott via Boost
To all, thanks for all the feedback. I'm not ignoring it, but we discovered a super duper annoying problem with how the path segments and query parameters containers represent their respective parts of the URL, and fixing it is requiring some heroics so I am fixing that up. To keep things spicy this is the unit test that I am trying to make work: void testPathContainer() { auto const check = []( string_view s, std::initializer_list< string_view> init, bool abs) { url_view u = parse_uri_reference( s).value(); auto const segs = u.encoded_segments(); BOOST_TEST(abs == u.is_path_absolute()); if(! BOOST_TEST( segs.size() == init.size())) return; BOOST_TEST(equal( segs.begin(), segs.end(), init.begin(), init.end())); }; auto const abs = [&check]( string_view s, std::initializer_list< string_view> init) { check(s, init, true); }; auto const rel = [&check]( string_view s, std::initializer_list< string_view> init) { check(s, init, false); }; rel("", {}); rel("./", { "" }); rel("index.htm", { "index.htm" }); rel("path/to/file.txt", { "path", "to", "file.txt" }); rel("//example.com", {} ); rel("x:y:z", { "y:z" }); rel("x:y:z/", { "y:z", "" }); rel("./y:z", { "y:z" }); rel("./y:z/", { "y:z", "" }); abs("/", {}); abs("/./", { "" }); abs("//example.com/", {} ); abs("//example.com/./", { "" } ); abs("/index.htm", { "index.htm" }); abs("/home/", { "home", "" }); abs("//x//", { "", "" }); abs("/.//", { "", "" }); abs("//x/y", { "y" }); abs("/././/", { ".", "", "" }); abs("/.//", { "", "" }); abs("x:/.//", { "", "" }); } So yeah, if you are reading it correctly it means that if you have the relative-ref "./" and you iterate the path segments you will get just one element, an empty string { "" }. This might seem counterintuitive but it is necessary to provide the invariant that the segments container acts like vector<string>. If you push_back a series of elements to an empty path, then iterating the container will give you exactly those strings back. And the implementation preserves the "absoluteness" of the path. That is, if the path previously started with a slash then it will continue to start with a slash. If the path previously did not start with a slash, then the new path will not start with a slash - modulo the provision that any URL with an authority can never be relative. There's a new function set_absolute_path(bool) that adjusts the path accordingly. Making this all work seamlessly is a chore.. Thanks