9 Apr
9 Apr
2:17 p.m.
AMDG On 04/08/2013 11:40 AM, Christian Henning wrote:
I think we are making process. The output now is:
c:\boost\tools\build\v2\test>python zlib.py --verbose msvc > out.txt c:\boost\tools\build\v2\test\../engine\bin.ntx86\bjam -sBOOST_BUILD_PATH="c:\boo st\tools\build\v2\test/.." -d+2 toolset=mock --ignore-site-config --user-config= --test-config="c:\boost\tools\build\v2\test\test-config.jam" --ignore-toolset-r equirements <snip> WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
I have double checked and subprocess.py does exist. Not sure what file is missing?
It's complaining about bjam. Can you run other tests? In Christ, Steven Watanabe