On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 10:41 AM, Rob Stewart [via Boost] < ml-node+s2283326n4683202h81@n4.nabble.com> wrote:
On February 3, 2016 3:48:14 PM EST, Kris <[hidden email] http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4683202&i=0> wrote:
Actually msm-lite, since today, supports almost this syntax. There are pre/post fix notations available. src_state + event [guard] / action = dst_state or dst_state <= src_state + event [guard] / action
Why = for the one and <= for the other? Can't you use = for both?
Fair point, its not really consistent, is it? The initial idea was to have <= in the prefix notation and => in the postfix one. However the latter had to become >= which was quite awkward. I guess it can be changed into. dst = src + event [guard] / action and src + event[guard] / action = dst I'm just not sure whether this approach is not confusing as we have the same syntax for both notations, but sometimes src and sometimes dst is used on the left side? Do you think, if it possible, it would be better to use = for both notations?
[snip discussion of action-nextstate]
[snip quoting of irrelevant content]
___ Rob
(Sent from my portable computation engine)
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