Rene, In my presentation yesterday, I proposed that we look at the boost web presence including, website, wike, maybe trac, and all he stuff we have. My view is that we would benefit from taking a step back and bringing it up to date. I know you've been the maintainer on this but that's it's quite a big job. I also know that Beman has shown interest in lending financial support for the work you do on the boost/release part. I think the job is just to big for you to do at the same time you're the main person responsible for the boost/release. Also I want to draw more volunteers into boost and I think this is a good place for them. What I would like to do is see if we can off load the Web presence to some new candidate (or two). I don't know how you feel about this, but I do want to advocate for the idea in any case. The purpose of this email is to give you a heads up so that I'm not catching you by surprise and that you have an opportunity to contribute the discussion if you so desire. This will be the subject of a Boost operational meeting scheduled for Friday at 12:45. I will be posting for volunteers to attend the meeting on Thursday. Robert Ramey