On 10/13/2016 10:31 AM, Peter Dimov wrote:
Edward Diener wrote:
The lack of interest in even seeing what cxx_dual was about or trying it out, even when I attempted to make it as easy as possible for those who dislike seeing macros in their own code, does not really personally bother me since I write software for my own pleasure or practical use unless I am being paid to do it as a consultant.
The basic issue with a Boost library that allows one to switch between Boost and standard components is this: the usual motivation for using a standard component when available is to avoid a dependency on Boost. But if you don't have Boost, you also don't have the Boost library that would allow you to switch.
Good point ! I probably did not make the argument well enough that even when you have Boost you might prefer the C++ standard equivalent to avoid the Boost dependency. In other words, "having Boost" and "depending on Boost", for a particular library, are conceptually two different things, at least in my mind. Also the decision-making process in cxx_dual depends only on Boost Config. Other optional macro support in cxx_dual depends on PP and VMD. Tests depend on some other Boost libraries even when Boost is not chosen as a dual library. I can probably eleiminate the latter ( except for lightweight test ) if I want to.