On 5/4/2015 3:08 AM, James Armstrong wrote:
Hello forum,
I was wanting to gauge interest in a container I developed which can natively handle multiple data types (as opposed to using a container of boost::any). I have the templated source hosted on my github account at
There is some documentation on the current functions under omni/doc/html/index.html. main.cpp has some example codes on inserting, retrieving, and manipulating the data within the container. The one caveat to using the container is that the function destroy<T>() must be called for all data types inserted into the container, I currently have an assert in the destructor which will hit if destroy<T>() is not called for a data type. Also, this requires using a modified version of boost/core/typeinfo.hpp, so you will need to replace the original with the one I provide. The changes simply keep the boost functionality even when C++ typeinfo is available.
I am trying to guage interest in this, and if there is interest, get some feedback on additional functionality to include. The iterators I have now work, but they are inefficient and that will be fixed eventually. Currently, I'm calling the container an omni, but don't really like that name and am looking for suggestions for something better :)
Thanks Can you please briefly describe how this differs from container of boost::any?