On Aug 3, 2020, at 7:18 AM, Adam Wulkiewicz via Boost
W dniu 16.07.2020 o 07:36, Marshall Clow via Boost pisze:
The master branch is is now open for post-beta merges, but only as described in the Post-Beta Merge Policy.
See https://github.com/boostorg/wiki/wiki/Releases%3A-Beta-Merge-Policy
Reminder: The master branch closes for the release on August 5th. I'd like to merge some bugfixes: https://github.com/boostorg/geometry/compare/master...develop
There are four commits there. The first two are not a problem. The third one is a significant chunk of code. The fourth one is a lot of changes, but appears to be mostly just code rearrangement. If you’re happy with the test results, and you think that these changes are suitable for “after the beta” (especially the third change), then go ahead. — Marshall