On 06.07.2017 00:07, Stefan Seefeld via Boost wrote:
On 05.07.2017 18:00, Asbjørn via Boost wrote:
On 05.07.2017 23:30, Stefan Seefeld via Boost wrote:
What problem is this supposed to solve ? How frequently do users need both address-models on the same deployment platform (and in the same path) ?
I built executables for distribution on Windows (ie in an installer), where I provided both 32bit and 64bit versions of the program. Why not build separate 32-bit and 64-bit installers, as lots of other applications do ?
I just mentioned the installer to highlight that I built executables for other platform variants than the one I do the building on. Building for others is a fairly common use-case in the open-source world on Windows, in which case you frequently need both 32bit and 64bit versions. Cheers - Asbjørn