Hi, I'm trying to build Boost 1.53 using VC2012 amd64 (toolset=msvc-11.0 address-model=64) and Windows Server 2012 Standard. Bootstrapping fails with jam0.exe crash - some crash info: Crash stacktrace: ntdll.dll!000007f9bc781069() KernelBase.dll!000007f9b978764e() KernelBase.dll!000007f9b97d3658() jam0.exe!_findnext64i32(__int64 hFile, _finddata64i32_t * pfd) Line 165 jam0.exe!file_dirscan(_object * dir, void (void *, _object *, int, __int64) * func, void * closure) Line 180 jam0.exe!builtin_glob(frame * frame, int flags) Line 718 jam0.exe!function_run(_function * function_, frame * frame, _stack * s) Line 3390 jam0.exe!evaluate_rule(_object * rulename, frame * frame) Line 264 jam0.exe!function_call_rule(_jam_function * function, frame * frame, _stack * s, int n_args, const char * unexpanded, _object * file, int line) Line 468 jam0.exe!function_run(_function * function_, frame * frame, _stack * s) Line 3950 jam0.exe!parse_file(_object * f, frame * frame) Line 57 jam0.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv, char * * arg_environ) Line 488 jam0.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 241 jam0.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 164 kernel32.dll!000007f9b9de167e() ntdll.dll!000007f9bc7a3501() Line where it crashed was: if (!FindNextFile((HANDLE)hFile, &wfd)) { I've tried to watch the values of arguments passes to FindNextFile() - hFile looked like proper handle, however wfd.cFileName and wfd.cAlternateFileName contained garbage. Is this a known issue for 1.53? I've compiled version 1.52 using the same environment and the same configuration and everything went ok, I did not manage to reproduce the crash. It looks like only version 1.53 is affected. Regards, Rafael Jeczalik