On 1/13/2014 8:01 PM, Steven Watanabe wrote:
On 01/13/2014 04:18 PM, Eric Niebler wrote:
I'm trying to write a jamfile in an external project that uses boost. The jamfile should invoke the wave tool to preprocess some code as a build action. I have this:
actions do_wave { $(>[2]) -o- --config-file wave.cfg $(>[1]) }
W = /boost/libs/wave/tool/build//wave ;
Either you need to give the path to the wave project:
W = $(BOOST_ROOT)/path/to/wave//wave ;
Right, thanks. And BOOST_ROOT needs to be defined somewhere. Which leads to my next question. One level up in my directory tree is where I have a boost-build.jam that does all the hard work of processing command-line arguments (e.g. --boost=...) and looking at environment variables to determine where boost is. It sets a BOOST variable like so: BOOST ?= $(boost-src) ; I was under the naive assumption that since this variable wasn't "local", it would be visible to all the Jamfiles in all the sub-directories. But that seems not to be the case, since in my Jamfile, $(BOOST) is empty. Where have I gone wrong?
or you need to declare this project-id somewhere:
use-project /boost/libs/wave/tool/build : $(BOOST_ROOT)/path/to/wave ;
Would it be a good idea to add it to the super-repository's Jamroot? It does something similar for the inspect tool: use-project /boost/tools/inspect : tools/inspect/build ; Many of the libraries have Jamfiles that use the wave tool to preprocess their sources. Those are all currently broken by modularization.
Alternately, the wave Jamfile can be modified to give itself an id:
project /boost/libs/wave/tool/build ;
Not a bad suggestion. Hartmut? -- Eric Niebler Boost.org http://www.boost.org