On 6/18/17 7:30 AM, P F via Boost wrote:
Hmmm - Now I don't know what the proposal is. I thought it was to replace bjam. I don't know what else it needs to do. I see CMake as an alternative way of building and testing libraries. I don't see this impacting users in any way. I thought I knew what is being proposed but now I don't think I do. Perhaps this proposal should be something more specific than "Moving Boost to CMake”.
I believe the proposal was to move to cmake using cmake’s best practices for building, testing, and supporting `find_package`.
LOL - so it seems that neither one of knows what the proposal actually is. I think it's time for the promoters of this proposal to step back and agree on some more specific/concrete proposal that can be discussed in a productive way - probably on a new thread. Probably with a titile like one of the following: a) proposal - Add support for CMake for building boosts and running tests b) proposal - Add support for CMake to make Boost more user friendly by ... c) proposal - add your own here ... And this proposal should start with a succinct goal or motivation Then describe the actions proposed to support the above. It's helpful it describes who would undertake which actions - library maintainers, some Developer, Some other player like the developers of CMake itself, etc. Some sort of plan/description of how this would would proceed - All at once - some proposals might not make sense unless applied to all libraries as a requirement. Others might work as an option for each library. Sorry I can't be more specific - but of course I'm not the one making such a proposal. Robert Ramey