Awesome library! Here are some of my thoughts on the library. It seems like you are bringing haskell to C++. However, in the past, functional libraies seem to struggle with acceptance in boost. It seems like it would be nicer to name and organize things in a way that is familiar to C++ programmers. One of the things that helped make it easy for me when I firsted learned Boost.MPL, was it was built around the STL interface. I understand in Boost.Hana, you don't use iterators for performance, but it still could be organized in a way that is more familiar to C++ programmers(Some places I've worked, there was resistance to even using Boost.Fusion, which is built around familiar C++ interfaces. Imagine if I tried to introduce Boost.Hana.) Here's a few list of names off the top of my head that could use more C++-like names: foldl = fold foldr = reverse_fold fmap = transform cons = push_front scons = push_back datatype = tag,tag_of head = front last = back typeclass = concept Also, most C++ programmers are used to seeing libraries divided into containers and algorithms, whereas Boost.Hana seemed to be built around haskell-like interfaces. As C++ programmers, its difficult to find where to look for functionality. Ideally, it would be nice to start with simple concepts, such as iteration, and then have algorithms built on top of that. And then have a mechanism to overload algorithms to improve the performance for certain sequences(for example `mpl::vector` algorithms could be specialized to improve compile time performance). It seems like you can overload the algorithms in your library, but its spread across different typeclasses. And then the `List` typeclass has a bunch of algorithms in them. Since, `List` is heavy, I can't split the specializations of these algorithms across several header files, for example. It would be better to have smaller and simpler concepts. However, the specializations of these concepts should be for advance use of the libraries. It should start with some simple concepts to get people to start using the library, and then if someone wants to create an optimized `reverse_fold`, they could. It would be nice to see the docs divide into something like: - The basic type concepts(such as `type<>`, integral constants, metafunctionn, etc) - The basic sequence concepts, what concepts are necessary to define a hana sequence, and the different sequences - Accessing data from a hana sequence, such as `at`, `front`, `back` - Views or adaptors on sequences, such as filter, transform - Algorithms on sequences, such as `fold`, `max`, etc - Extending Boost.Hana Those are some thoughts after reading through the library. Perhaps, I missed some design goals you have. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Boost - Dev mailing list archive at