On 11/18/15 11:39 AM, Jürgen Hunold wrote:
Make a Boost/CMake cheat sheet which would serve as a "template" for library authors to use to make their own CMakeList.text files. Then be available to help out anyone who asks for it.
That would be a nice addition. But I'd prefer some immediate improvements for Boost users working with CMake now.
Hmmmm - that's exactly what I was I thought I was proposing. Someone could make a "cheatsheet" which would be applicable to header only libraries in about a day. In fact, my attempt at such a "cheatsheet" might already be good enough - thought it might benefit from refinement by some CMake expert. Note also that the serialization library contains a CMakeList.txt file which I use for working on the serialization library which might be worthy of examination.
So there is lots of opportunity to make an impact here.
Why not address this right now? What's stopping any author of a header only library from doing this right now? Why not check over my cheatsheet, make any enhancements/corrections necessary and announce on the list that authors of header only libraries are encouraged to incorporate CMake into their testing options and that help is available? Why not start this right now? It would only take a day or two. And if that effort is successful, on could expand/enhance it to cover the compiled libraries. If the effort is not successful, then we'll have learned something at very little investment of effort. Robert Ramey