25 Jun
25 Jun
5:32 a.m.
Is there space for another formatting library in Boost? doc: https://robhz786.github.io/stringify/doc/html/index.html
I find strf::make_string(value, " in hexadecimal is ", {value, "#x"}) not easy to translate. This would be written like this: strf::make_string(value, gettext(" in hexadecimal is "), {value, "#x"}) but it works much better for translators to have the full sentence gettext("{0} in hexadecimal is {1}") I understand that what you save the time to parse the string doing so. Could have something like make_string("{0} in hexadecimal is {1}").with({value0, fmt0}, {value1, fmt1})? This would keep the parsing very simple and quick and still allow for compile time parsing of the format (with template facets). Frédéric