Hi Ruben, Some people have already suggested making the tcp_ssl connection as the default. In that spirit, it seems to me that it would be better to remove such prefixes as tcp_ssl from tcp_ssl_prepared_statement and tcp_ssl_resultset and instead add apropriate prefixes to the non-default connections. Actually, since the only other type is unix socket, one only need to add the prefix plaintext or nonssl for the noncrypted connections. Moreover, is there no technical solution that can completely remove the need to deal with these distinct names for resultset and prepared_statement after the appropriate connection is established? Cheers, Kostas ========================================= Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics NCSR Demokritos http://inspirehep.net/author/profile/K.G.Savvidy.1 http://inspirehep.net/author/profile/K.G.Savvidy.1 https://mixmax.hepforge.org https://mixmax.hepforge.org/