I would like to have your feedback on C++ standard library features you
would like to have available for a C++11 compiler.
The idea would be to present a Boost.StdExtensions library that would
provide some of these features for review with some of these features.
Please , let me know if you are interested in participating in this
project and working on some specific parts.
This library should avoid as much Boost dependencies as possible.
How the library could be structured? I believe that it should follow the
C++ standard files.
Which folder should be used? boost/stdext? boost/stdext11?
Which namespace? boost::stdext?
I have prefixed with a * the lines that interest myself and with VBE*
those that I could work on.
The features that need compiler help or that need C++14/17 language
features are excluded and prefixed by N/A.
Please be free to add a * if you are interested and your name as well if
you want to participate.
P.S. The project could be as well extended to C++98 compilers with C++11
standard libraries (But I would not have time to invest in).
P.S.S. I would also be interested in extend the project to extended to
C++14 compilers.
C++14 standard libraries
VBE* N3658 - Compile-time integer sequences
* N3654 - Quoted Strings
N3656 - make_unique
VBE* N3462 - std::result_of and SFINAE
* N3668 std::exchange()
N3469 Constexpr Library Additions: chrono
N3470 Constexpr Library Additions: containers
N3471 Constexpr Library Additions: utilities
N3302 Constexpr Library Additions: complex
VBE* N3545 An Incremental Improvement to integral_constant
N3644 Null Forward Iterators
N3670 Addressing Tuples by Type
N3671 Making non-modifying sequence operations more robust
N3642 User-defined Literals
VBE* N3655 TransformationTraits Redux (excluding part 4)
N3657 Adding heterogeneous comparison lookup to associative containers
N3669 Fixing constexpr member functions without const
N3659 Shared Locking in C++
N3779 User-defined Literals for std::complex
N3789 Constexpr Library Additions: functional
N3887 Consistent Metafunction Aliases
N3891 A proposal to rename shared_mutex to shared_timed_mutex
C++1z standard libraries
VBE* N3911 TransformationTrait Alias void_t
N4089 Safe conversions in unique_ptr