On May 6, 2013, at 6:30 AM, "Vicente J. Botet Escriba"
Note that N3344 suggest only day arithmetic for a day representation (which is always valid) and suggest only only a date representation.
Could we apply arithmetic operations on a unvalidated date (without striving on UB)? e.g. day arithmetic on a ymd_date
ymd_date d1(year(2013), may, day(66)); ymd_date d2 = d1 + day(1);
If defined, which must be the value of d2?
Could we convert a date representation to another one if the source date is unvalidated (without striving on UB)? e.g. ymd_date -> days_date
ymd_date d1(year(2013), may, day(66)); days_date d2 = d1;
If defined, which must be the value of d2?
My understanding is that all of these operations (if unchecked at ymd_date construction time) are simply undefined behavior. This is what N3344 seems to be asking for. Howard