Hi Oliver, Am Dienstag, 8. April 2014, 06:36:19 schrieb pmenso57@comcast.net:
From: "Oliver Kowalke"
The only real problem that I'm aware of is MinGW, which you should support directly anyway. See https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/7262 which (a) describes a concrete use case where your proposed solution of using masm cannot possibly work, and (b) includes a patch.
that's the problem! - MinGW's assembler tool does have a different syntax than MASM. The defacto standard on Windows is MASM - why not use the standard tool on the platform to compile the object files (boost.context consists of assembler only).
The central point is "on the platform". Requiring MASM does not work when cross-compiling (mostly form Linux or some other *nix). And this is something which is demanded by more and more users.
why must be the different assembler syntax' of the different assembler tools be supported?
I am no expert when it comes to assembler variations, but I'd rather not have to have a dependency on MS tools. VC++ et al being the "standard tools on the platform" is part of the problem, not something to be encouraged.
Yes, a lot of people are trying to switch from vc++ to gcc/clang for a lot of reasons. This affects not only Boost, but every popular cross platform framework. Maybe you should look at "support" and "maintenance" from another point of view. I think it is a sure bet that the question "why can't I use gnu assembler for context and why can't I cross-compile from my favourite platform using gcc/clang" will crop up every few months. See the aforementioned https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/7262 and the mailing archives. This is at least the 4. or 5. discussion about supporting gnu assembler on windows and won't be the last. What about simply accepting the fact that this is what more and more users *need* and *want* and provide at least the feature most demanded? This would save everyone a lot of timeand effort in the long run. I can understand you can't provide corde for assembler variant out there, but supporting the two most important ones on Windows, including one free implementation, will make a lot of people happy. And I really doubt there are gnu incompatible *nix assemblers out there any more. And people using obsolete compilers and tools have hard times ahead for a lot of other reasons... And no, I don't use context, I'm just tired of ignoring build errors when using mingw or not running vcvarsall.bat. And ignoring discussions wasting everyones time. And don't underestimate the community. As soon as some working code is available, patches tend be committed. Been there, seen that :-) Yours, Jürgen -- * Dipl.-Math. Jürgen Hunold ! * voice: ++49 4257 300 ! Fährstraße 1 * fax : ++49 4257 300 ! 31609 Balge/Sebbenhausen * jhunold@gmx.eu ! Germany