stefan wrote:
With the Boost.Python tests I'm observing a couple of mysterious failures, where the test application fails *after* the actual test succeeded, with a message
main() should return report_errors()
I gather this error is emitted by the Boost.Lightweight_test library whenever a test's main() function does not call `report_errors()` at the end. The problem in my case is that my failing tests are not (explicitly) using Boost.Lightweight_test. In fact, in all of the failing cases I'm not even writing a `main()` function, as the test driver is a Python script that's importing a (test) module.
For example: https://www.boost.org/development/tests/master/developer/output/teeks99-05-m...
Looks like this ought to have been fixed by https://github.com/boostorg/python/pull/259/files. A search for lightweight_test in boostorg/python turns up nothing else suspicious. This commit, along with all the others since April, hasn't been merged to master though, and is consequently not in 1.74.