On Jun 30, 2017, at 6:22 PM, Peter Dimov via Boost
wrote: Due to the strong interest in my previous follow-up, I'm following it up with a more complete implementation of the support required for CMake scenario #1, installing configuration files during "b2 install" such that subsequent "find_package" calls work (assuming a suitably set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH).
You can find it in branch "feature/install-cmake-config" in the superproject (boostorg/boost).
In other words,
git clone --recursive --depth 64 -b feature/install-cmake-config https://githib.com/boostorg/boost bootstrap b2 headers b2 install cmake//install variant=debug,release link=static,shared runtime-link=static,shared
This doesn't yet support installation with more than one toolset, and I'm sure that some libraries don't work, but a simple test using Filesystem and ProgramOptions does.
That looks pretty awesome. A lot of bjam-fu I don’t understand. You should think about writing a tutorial on bjam. Also, can it be ran by doing? cd cmake b2 cmake I wonder what it would take to integrate it into the main install step.